Lil' Gourmets Blog

Introducing our lil’gourmets mission: to Cultivate Curiosity! - lil'gourmets

Introducing our lil’gourmets mission: to Cultivate Curiosity!

how our story began When the time came for Shibani Baluja to introduce her son, Jayden, to solid food, she was stunned by the lack of fresh, veggie-focused, good-tasting options available. All of the prepared food was either too bland or overly sweetened by fruit, and all highly processed. She ended up cooking all his meals but found it to be draining and stressful to have no good options when she needed a break. After seeing the impact that the early introduction of fresh, flavorful, vegetable-focused meals had on Jayden, and confirming it with medical research, she knew that we...

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