Lil' Gourmets Blog

What a Mess! Why a Messy Baby Means Healthy Brain Development - lil'gourmets

What a Mess! Why a Messy Baby Means Healthy Brain Development

Messy Eater = Healthy Brain Development Messy means babies are practicing critical developmental skills.  Using their full body to experience food through their various senses like touch, smell, sight and taste promote acceptance of foods, self-feeding skills and fine motor skills

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Make Nutrient-Dense Foods a Part of Your Baby's First 1000 Days - lil'gourmets

Make Nutrient-Dense Foods a Part of Your Baby's First 1000 Days

A Research Driven Approach to Your Baby's Nutrition lil’gourmets was created based on the latest medical research surrounding the importance of the first 1,000 days of nutrition in a baby’s life.

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Introducing Solids by Dr. Rupa Mahadevan - lil'gourmets

Introducing Solids by Dr. Rupa Mahadevan

  Getting started...with veggies! Your pediatrician will recommend that solid food be introduced between 4- 6 months of age. Starting solids closer to 6 months has been shown to prevent obesity in the long run. We suggest starting with vegetables and then move to fruit as dessert over time. Avocados are a great starter food as they are soft, rich in taste, and full of omega 3's.   Embrace variety There is a growing consensus from food experts that babies do not need to start with eating one vegetable or fruit at a time, unless, there is a strong family history of food allergies. Given this...

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Find lil'gourmets at select Whole Foods Market stores by baby yogurt! - lil'gourmets

Find lil'gourmets at select Whole Foods Market stores by baby yogurt!

Find lil'gourmets fresh, organic, veggie-first meals for babies + toddlers at Whole Foods Market locations in Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. We are fresh in the Dairy case by Baby Yogurt!    Hear and read more about our mission    Curious what parents have to say about lil'gourmets?

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